Unlocking the Benefits of Assistive Technology in Minnesota

Are you looking for ways to learn more about and test assistive technology in Minnesota? If so, you're in luck! Minnesota STAR (a technology system for achieving results) is a state program that not only shows and lends AT equipment, but also helps people with disabilities sell or exchange AT devices. For more information, contact STAR or one of its regional partners. The Pacer Center and Simon Technology Center (STC) are dedicated to making the benefits of technology more accessible to children and adults with disabilities. Low-tech assistive technology tends to be low-cost and is based on universal design principles.

It can be used by students with disabilities who receive special education services to help them maintain or improve their independence when performing activities of daily living. Assistive technology can range from simple items like book stands to more sophisticated devices with computer and cell phone functions. Finding the right assistive technology can mean buying a ready-to-use item, ordering a custom-made device, or simply making your own. Employers can also obtain a type of adaptation called assistive technology (AT).

Mercarik is an assistive technology consultancy that specializes in evaluating, designing systems and implementing technologies to improve the lives and independence of people with diverse physical, intellectual, or age-related challenges. STAR's mission is to help all Minnesotans with disabilities access and acquire the assistive technology they need to live, learn, work and play. ATIA is the leading organization of manufacturers, vendors and suppliers of products, equipment and assistive technology (AT) systems that improve the learning, work and daily lives of people with disabilities. They provide educators, professionals and parents alike with the latest resources and tools they need to deepen their knowledge of assistive technology, best practices, and implementation strategies.

The Pacer SUPER program is another great resource for those looking for used assistive technology. This program provides recommendations of products and equipment that are still useful. Determining what types of assistive technology, if any, can benefit a person requires in-depth knowledge of the types of technology available. Cadan Assistive Technologies has been supporting the community with special needs for more than 30 years by providing assistive technology devices, alternative input devices, switches, amplified phones, augmentative devices, keyboards with large keys and large letters, braille displays and software.

Violet Martin
Violet Martin

Professional social media guru. Amateur music fan. Coffee lover. Proud twitter scholar. Lifelong zombie aficionado.

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