The Benefits of Assistive Technology in the Classroom

Assistive technology (AT) can be a powerful tool for students with learning disabilities, helping them to become more independent and confident in their academic pursuits. AT can increase a child's self-reliance and sense of independence, allowing them to work independently and focus on communicating their ideas. AT can also improve the writing skills of students with learning disabilities, providing them with spelling and grammatical correction functions, as well as text-to-speech conversion. Whether educators hope to increase student performance, strengthen motor skills, improve communication channels, or encourage camaraderie in the classroom, assistive technology may be the avenue they need.

A wide range of AT tools are available to help people who struggle with reading, many of which are digital and easily adapted to online use and remote environments. These tools address a wide range of disabilities, from simple mechanical devices to sophisticated hardware and software. Assistive technology that helps students with learning problems includes computer programs and tablet applications that allow converting text to speech. It can also be used during the transition to high school, helping to reduce the achievement gap for students with disabilities.

AT tools can help a person plan, organize and keep track of their calendar, agenda, to-do list, contact information, and miscellaneous notes. Many students with disabilities need additional support, and assistive technology is a great way to help them achieve their learning and participation goals in the classroom. I did an assignment and found it very interesting to learn about the different assisted technologies available to help students with disabilities. Assistive technology (AT) is a term that refers to tools that help people with disabilities perform their daily activities and tasks.

For example, pencil grips (molded plastic grips that slide over a pen) are considered assistive technology. However, the landscape for treating learning problems is evolving with the advent of digital assistance technologies.

Violet Martin
Violet Martin

Professional social media guru. Amateur music fan. Coffee lover. Proud twitter scholar. Lifelong zombie aficionado.

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